Great news: "Curls" has advanced to round four in The Cartoonist Studio competition. The full contest is ten weeks long. Thank you to everyone who has voted and helped Curls advance in this contest. The winner receives a run on gocomics.com and the chance to be surrounded by other great comic strips like Luann, Cul de Sac, Garfield, Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, and more.

Here is how you can support "Curls" - You will need to create an account on thecartooniststudio.com (it only takes one minute). Then search for "Curls" or "Carolyn Belefski" on the voting page and click to cast your vote: http://www.thecartooniststudio.com/Contestant/244/Carolyn-Belefski
You can vote every six hours -- four times a day. Thank you for your time and consideration. I understand it may be difficult to vote every six hours, but please vote when you can or whenever you're online.
Thanks for your support. I really appreciate the fans of Curls Studio.