Comic creators Joe Carabeo and Carolyn Belefski will be exhibiting with Curls Studio -- please swing by to say hello and browse the merchandise.
All weekend: Kids Love Comics will host an activity and coloring table with coloring sheets, how-to’s, crayons and markers, kids and their parents are invited to let their inner artist explore!
1PM on Sunday "Comic Costume Academy with Carolyn Belefski"
Every hero needs a logo! Join artist and designer Carolyn Belefski (Curls) and learn how to incorporate graphic design elements to create an icon and establish your own powerful visual identity. Kids can then place the logos on the provided capes, and… up, up, and away!
Every hero needs a logo! Join artist and designer Carolyn Belefski (Curls) and learn how to incorporate graphic design elements to create an icon and establish your own powerful visual identity. Kids can then place the logos on the provided capes, and… up, up, and away!
Children 10 and under get in free and must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Parking is free. Hope to see you there!